My journey as a bassist began out of a passion for music that developed into an artistic expression. My style is unique and I put every effort to make sure my performances are memorable and timeless. I have had the pleasure of performing live in national and international venues, and have worked with many levels of artists in various genres. I have experience working with signed and unsigned artists either as a supporting, backing, recording or co-founding member. I ensure that each performance I am a part of is crafted with precision and passion.
Appearances, Recordings & Performances
(Bass | Drums | Chapman Stick | Keyb.)
Sly Stone
Michael Abu
Debbie Clemmer
Natalie Cole
Basil Fung
Joe Tourist Band
Pete Goleta
Tony Maddox
the Groove Ministers
Toni Gooden
Lionel A. Martin
Michael Bolton
Lisa Houston
World's Edge
Tammy Martin
Kathryn Grimm Band
The Miracle Center
Joseph Calderon
Tim Carroll Band
Johnny Rich
Buddy Guy & Jr. Wells
Champagne Sunday
Big Daddy McNasty
Solid Rock Christian Center
Edmund Sylvers
Jennifer James Productions
Mark Conn & the Cyclones
George Lindsey Jr.
Streetwise Symphony
Stefan Carow Days of Night
Prima Donna Rising
Heather Poelzer
Deborah Alfaro
Jon Montalban
Dave Helwig
Darren McGovern
Doc Rogers Band
Operation 90's
KJ Denhert
Crave & Wonder
Randy Wild